Miriam Belmaker

Miriam Belmaker

Keywords : Climate change Paleoanthropology Human-environment interaction Old world Archaeology Site formation processes Taphonomy Paleoecology Ecomorphology Evolutionary and ecological theory

Country : United States

Organization : University of Tulsa

Department : Department of Anthropology

Email : miriam-belmaker@utulsa.edu

ResearchGate profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miriam_Belmaker

Biography :

Miriam Belmaker is a Paleolithic archaeologist and paleoanthropologist. Her research focuses on environmental change primarily in the past 2 million years and how it affected hominid biological and cultural evolution. She analyzes fossil faunal remains obtained from archaeological and paleontological sites to reconstruct ancient environments through space and time and to ask questions about human evolution.

To track climate change through space and time, Belmaker uses both zooarchaeological and paleontological methods. She is currently building a large comparative collection to assist in her research. This includes comparative collection of modern species and fossil casts.

