Nikolai Dronin

Nikolai Dronin

Keywords : Russia Climate Culture Agriculture Geography Farmland 20th Century Environmentalism Nature Preserves & National Parks

Country : Russia

Organization : Lomonosov Moscow State University

Department : Faculty of Geography

Biography :

faculty of Geography Moscow State University

head of laboratory

Research Topic, region and time period (one line)
Soviet environmental policy 

You and your research (brief description)
Dr. Nikolay Dronin is the head of laboratory of Natural Resources and Technogenic Transformation of the Environment at geographical department of Moscow State University, where he is teaching on the environmental policy, global and regional changes. Dr. Dronin research interests are connected with historical geography, especially in the area of climate change, droughts, impacts on agriculture, food security, and adaptations to climate change. He participated in the Fourth pan-European Assessment Report (2007), UNEP Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-2,3,4,5), Russia- Germany study “Modeling of Global Environmental Change and its Threat to Food and Water Security in Russia” (2005-2007). Dr. Dronin is one of the authors of «Climate Dependence and Food Problems in Russia (1900-1990)» (Central European University Press, 2005) and «An Environmental History of Russia» (Cambridge University Press, 2013). In 2005-2007 he acted as a Director of the International Summer School “Environment and Development: Policies for Our Sustainable Future,” developing new curricula for the Central and Eastern European universities. In 2008-2009 he was Fulbright fellow at New York University. 

Key publication 
Dronin N., Bellinger E. Climate Dependence and Food Problems in Russia (1900-1990). New York-Budapest: CEU Press, 2005. 360 P.

Key publication
Josephson P., Dronin N., Mnatsakanian R., Cherp A., Efremenko D., Larin V. An Environmental History of Russia. Cambridge University Press, 2013, 328 P.

Key publication
Dronin N.M. Evolution of Landscape Concept in Russian and Soviet Geography during 1900-1960. Moscow: GEOS, 1999. 232 P. (in Russian)

Key Publication
Dronin N., Kirilenko A. Weathering the Soviet Countryside: The Impact of Climate and Agricultural Policies on Russian Grain Yields, 1958–2010 (2013). The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, Volume 40, Issue 1, pp. 115 – 143